a) Students are expected to demonstrate an increasing self
discipline with age and to exercise the freedom given to them responsibly. They
should treat all members of the Staff and all elders with respect. They should
be gentle and courteous to their companions. Refinement of manners, uprightness
and self-restraint should be the characteristics of every student of the
b) Good manners and
polite behaviour are part of education.
c) When the bell is rung, students must go into their
respective classrooms. The classrooms must be neat and tidy and looked after by
the class monitors. Silence is to be strictly observed during class hours and
during the change of teachers or in transit from one class to another. During
the absence of a teacher, students must obey the monitors of the class.
d) Students are to address their teachers and all members of
the School staff with due respect and politeness. Arrogant and challenging
behavior towards teaching or nonteaching staff will expose the students to
expulsion. On their way to and from school, students must behave in a gentle
manly manner.
e) No remarks once written in the school dairy can be
cancelled by anyone other than the Principal.
f) Two General Observations would amount to one General
Remark which is a very serious breach of discipline and hence a deterrent to
promotion or even dismissal from the School. An Observation is given in case of
a minor breach of discipline.
g) Smoking, chewing pan, chewing gum, betel – nut or tobacco
product etc. is strictly forbidden. Irregular attendance, habitual
disobedience, bad conduct, stealing, consumption of alcohol, drug abuse, any
form of verbal or written obscenity, sickness which are liable to be injurious
to other boys justify dismissal.
h) Students are not allowed to bring two wheelers to school
or drive a four wheeler to school. Students are forbidden to bring mobile,
tabs, ipad Electronic gadgets, Cell phones, digital watches and dairies, toys,
calculators, video games, pendrive, PSP, DVDs, CDs, portable audio and video
devices and any mass storage devices are forbidden in the school.
i) Students who bring any of the above items are liable to be
panelized. It would mean confiscation of the unit and suspension for a period
of one week and a fine of 500. (Classes XI and XII are allowed to use a
scientific calculator).
j) An appropriate atmosphere is necessary for good teaching.
Hence, no outsiders are allowed to visit the classrooms or the teachers without
proper permission. Any other activities that do not pertain directly to the
actual teaching of the school programme can only be allowed with the explicit
permission of the Principal.
k) Students are responsible for the safe custody of their
books and belongings which must be marked clearly with their names.
l) Any damage to school property must be remedied at the cost
of the person responsible for the damage and appropriate disciplinary action
will be initiated against the offences.
m) Any Bullying complaint or suggestion regarding pedagogy,
curriculum etc. should be made to the teacher concerned or to the Principal in
writing or in person.
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